Elementary Student Registration Form

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Student Information

Please enter the Grade the student will attend for the year 2023-2024
Student First and Last Name
Date of Birth

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1 First and Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 First and Last Name

Emergency Contact Information

Consent & Agreements

Emergency Consent
I hereby authorize ISA to provide any information on this form to the supervising teacher or staff in order for them to care for my kid during school hours in the event that an injury requires medical attention. I am aware that every effort will be made to get in touch with me, but in the event that a medical emergency necessitates immediate attention and I am unable to be reached, I authorize ISA to provide my kid with the appropriate medical care, including authorization to transport him or her to the closest medical institution.

Liability Consent
I am aware of and accept the fact that, despite taking all reasonable measures to ensure student safety, the Islamic Society of Ajax staff cannot be held responsible by me in the event that my child suffers a personal injury or accident while attending school at any time during the school day on a school trip or during a school outing.

Emergency Closure Consent
In bad weather, Even though staff may make an effort to keep the school open, students are not required to must be at school in bad weather. Parents must determine whether the weather makes it safe for their kids to go to school. For information regarding school closings, pay attention to radio and television weather reports. For updates and additional information, kindly check the school's website or social school social media pages. I give my consent for my child to be sent home in case of inclement weather or an emergency caused by a heater malfunction, water leak, gas leak, etc.

Terms and Conditions

  •  I am aware that submitting this application does not automatically grant my child admission. It is open to the principal's review.
  • If my child is permitted to enroll in school, I must meet all financial obligations, including the cost of the tuition and the cost of the books and supplies. If I didn't do that, My child would be removed from the program if this weren't done.
  • ISA is not in charge of bus services, carpooling, or student transportation.
  • I hereby give ISA permission to get in touch with my schools and other sources to get data supporting this application.
  • To the best of my knowledge, I certify that all of the information in this application is true and current.

Confirmation and Submission